
In a lumbering starship, amidst a lush, false jungle, a lone and lonely girl discovers she isn’t the only one on the ship after all–and they are coming for her.

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Books by J. Daniel Batt

“Run Like You’re on Fire” – Bewildering Stories

“Run Like You’re on Fire” – Bewildering Stories

My flash fiction story "Run Like You're on Fire" is out today on Bewildering Stories. Go check it out: Here's a quick excerpt: Wake up. Keep quiet even though you want to scream. Don’t open your mouth. Don’t alert anyone that you’re still...

Go Out and Watch: Observation as a Tool of the Writer

Go Out and Watch: Observation as a Tool of the Writer

Let’s start with the end. Francine Prose, pulling us back along with her class, tells us, “Forget observation, consciousness, clear-sightedness . . . Admit that you understand nothing of life, nothing of what you see. Then go out and look at the world.” Writing is a...

The True Work of Writing

The True Work of Writing

There’s a movement, maybe just a few but loud voices, propelled by the advent of easy self-publishing, that argue that writing should be fast and easy if you’re good. One of these proponents has argued that his mediocre writing isn’t so mediocre that it won’t sell:...

Henry Miller’s Rule for Writing

Henry Miller’s Rule for Writing

Writing daily can become arduous. I feel that Henry Miller's 11 personal rules are a great reminder for focusing on the task at hand. This is being printed out and hung next to my monitor!

Keaghan in Dreamside

Keaghan in Dreamside

Keaghan in Dreamside is now available on for Kindle.  Download on your Kindle now! There is more to your home than what you’ve...

“A Weighted Soul” Now on

“A Weighted Soul” Now on

The living aren't haunted by the dead- the souls of the dead are haunted by the living. The drifting soul of a father and husband discovers that the afterlife isn't what any of us have imagined.  Instead, he finds himself hiding in the darkest moments of his life on...

“The Stars Serve” now available on Amazon’s Kindle

“The Stars Serve” now available on Amazon’s Kindle

The Stars Serve is available on Kindle now! A sequence of poems touching on the raw emotion and magic of the everyday life. Filled with more questions than answers, the poetry of J. Daniel Batt stirs the heart and awakens the mind. Take a moment, crack the cover, and...