Story by Robert McKee

Story by Robert McKee

Part III in my series of book that have influenced me as a writer. McKee, Robert. Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting. New York: Regan Books, 1997. Print. While designed for film and the aspiring screenwriter, McKee maintains a...
Henry Miller on Writing

Henry Miller on Writing

This is the first post in a series of books that have influenced my approach to writing. Miller, Henry. Henry Miller on Writing. New York: New Direction Books, 1964. Print. I first encountered Miller via an online post of his “11 Commandments of Writing”. These...
Star Wars and Paper Writers

Star Wars and Paper Writers

When launching the modern classic Star Wars, filmmaker George Lucas insisted that the universe, down to its smallest detail, feel as if it was lived-in. Kiri Hart, Head of Lucasfilm Development reflected on the 1977 film: “What was so special about what George...